Install Radar-8000T Series Tractors

1. Remove two plastic plugs on right-hand side of tractor ahead of the cab air filter cover.

A62535,L -19-05MAY98-1/4

2. Install radar bracket using two M20 x 35 cap screws (A).

IMPORTANT: Radar serial number plate must be facing up (as illustrated) when radar is installed.

3. Install radar on bracket using four 1/4 x 4 in. cap screws, flat washers and lock nuts.

4. Route harness and connect to monitor radar lead.

A-Cap Screws


A62535,L -19-05MAY98-2/4

5. Locate 3-pin connector (A) on left side of transmission.

A-3-Pin Connector


A62535,L -19-05MAY98-3/4

6. Connect radar harness to adapter harness and adapter harness (A) to 3-pin connector.

7. Coil excess harness and tie away from exhaust and moving parts using plastic ties as required.

A-Adapter Harness


A62535,L -19-05MAY98-4/4