Install Radar Signal Adapter Harness-30 and 60 Series Tractors

NOTE: This harness is used when existing tractor radar will supply signal to monitor and to tractor instrumentation. If tractor is not equipped with radar and a planter radar will be installed, go to "30-60 Series Row Crop Tractors-Radar and Bracket Installation".

1. Disconnect radar lead from instrumentation radar lead.

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2. Connect one short lead of adapter harness to radar lead (A) and other short lead from adapter harness to SEEDSTAR ™ radar lead (B).

3. Route other end of adapter harness (C) and connect to instrumentation input lead.

IMPORTANT: Make certain harness cannot come in contact with moving parts and linkages.

4. Loop excess harness and secure to tractor with tie straps (D).

A-Radar Lead
B-Radar Lead
C-Adapter Harness
D-Tie Straps


SEEDSTAR is a trademark of Deere & Company.

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