Guidelines for Use

1. Use recommended size tractor. See Specifications section.

2. Properly prepare tractor and machine. See Preparing the Tractor and Preparing the Machine sections.

3. Attach safety chain to tractor drawbar and implement hitch.

4. Clear wing area of people and obstacles before lowering or raising wings.

5. Check tire pressures before seeding.

6. Fully extend wing-lift cylinders to permit wings to follow ground contours.

7. Operate at a ground speed of 5 km/h to 11 km/h (3 mph to 7 mph).

8. Raise openers fully out of the ground before making sharp turns (such as at row ends or turnarounds) or when backing up machine.

9. To prevent skipping, back machine up 5 m (15 ft) after stopping.

10. Have machine moving forward before lowering openers, to avoid plugging.

causym CAUTION: Handle and apply fertilizers and chemically treated seeds according to manufacturer's recommendations to keep from being severely injured.

11. Avoid using fertilizers that absorb moisture very readily, especially during periods of high humidity. Also avoid fertilizers that contain a high percentage of fine dusts, as these materials can plug feed rolls and coat the inside of the seed distribution system.

12. Refer to air seeder operator's manual for specific operational procedures.

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