Adjusting Opener Down-Pressure-John Deere 55-60 Series and Four-Wheel Drive Tractors With Closed Center Hydraulic Systems

IMPORTANT: Adjust opener down-pressure, as required, to keep gauge wheels in firm contact with soil, but DO NOT use more down-pressure than necessary or damage to machine could result.

NOTE: Active hydraulic system requires a tractor with closed-center or pressure/flow compensated hydraulics.

1. Refer to UNDERSTANDING ACTIVE HYDRAULIC DOWN-PRESSURE SYSTEM in this section and determine initial pressure setting.

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2. To lower openers, push FORWARD on tractor control lever. Lever must be LOCKED in forward position to provide constant pressure/flow to rockshaft cylinders.


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3. While watching pressure gauge (B), rotate knob (A) to adjust down-pressure to desired setting. Once set, lock knob in position with wheel (C). If gauge needle does not move, see Troubleshooting section.

4. Make a trial pass in the field.

5. If opener pressure is not satisfactory, adjust hydraulic pressure for more down-force. If gauge wheel pressure is adequate but depth of penetration is not, see OPENER COMPONENTS AND ADJUSTMENTS and ADJUSTING GAUGE WHEEL AND SEEDING DEPTH in Preparing the Machine section.

B-Pressure Gauge


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