Adjusting Wing Fold Operation

If wings do not fold against their stops or if cylinder is not fully retracted when wing is against the stop, perform the following procedure.

IMPORTANT: Be sure the wings are completely unfolded before performing this procedure.

1. Turn tractor off.

2. MECHANICAL SCV CONTROLS: Move SCV No. 2 back and forth to relieve pressure on wing cylinders.

ELECTRO/HYDRAULIC SCV CONTROLS: Place SCV No. 2 in "FLOAT" position to relieve pressure on wing cylinders.

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3. Loosen rod end set screw (A).

4. Adjust rod length with wrench on flat portion of rod.

5. Tighten set screw and fold wings.

A-Set Screw


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6. Fold is properly adjusted when wing rests against front and rear stops (A) and cylinder rod pin (B) is at the bottom of the slot.

A-Rear Stops


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