Replacing Opener Arm Pivot Bushings

1. Clean dirt from parts prior to removal.

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A-Cap Screw, 5/8 x 3 in. Gr. 8

C-Lock Nut

D-Pivot Pin
E-Thrust Washer

F-Arm Pivot Bushings
G-Opener Arm

2. Remove cap screw (A), washer (B), lock nut (C) and pivot pin (D) from arm (G). Retain thrust washer (E).

3. Drive bushings (F) from arm.

IMPORTANT: Be careful not to damage outer edges of new bushings when installing.

4. Press new bushings into arm bores, flush to 0.76 mm (0.03 in.) below outside surface.

IMPORTANT: Thrust washer (E) must be installed between arm and anchor castings, on same side of arm as disk.

5. Position thrust washer on disk side of arm (between arm and anchor) and attach arm with pivot pin. Be careful not to damage bushings when installing pin.

6. Install cap screw (A), washer (B), and lock nut (C). Tighten lock nut to specification.


Lock Nut -Torque 163 N·m (120 lb-ft)

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