If equipped with dual remote switch option, cable connected to switch on rank of openers to be used for seeding must be connected to cart. Cables and switches are marked with color-coded tie bands for ease of identification.
If seeding tool is equipped with single remote switch (A) option, implement switch will need to be moved to the rank of openers that will be used for seeding.
If seeding tool is equipped with row markers, marker adjustment may be necessary to maintain proper row spacing.
Seed setting will have to be doubled from setting called for in 1900 Commodity Air Cart Operator's Manual.
If applying seed rates greater that 65 lb/acre on 38 cm (15 in.) spacing from a single tank, green meter rollers may need to be installed in air cart meters. See Operating Machine-Product Metering section of 1900 Commodity Air Cart Operator's Manual.
Calibrate meters according to procedure specified in 1900 Commodity Air Cart Operator's Manual. This will give correct transmission setting for desired seed rate.
(Approximalely double the value listed in 1900 Commodity Air Cart Operator's Manual.)