Opener Components and Adjustments


A-Gauge Wheels

B-Press Wheels

C-Closing Wheels

D-Seed Boots

Opener adjustments are necessary to match desired seed placement with soil/field conditions. Proper adjustment of all items is essential to achieve desired seed placement.

Gauge Wheels (A)-Firms furrow wall and controls furrow (seed) depth between shallow 12.5 mm (0.5 in.) and deep 89 mm (3.5 in.) seeding, using one-of-thirteen depth gauge settings. Gauge wheel also acts as a scraper to reduce dirt build-up on disk openers.

Press Wheels (B)-Pushes seed into the bottom of the furrow to promote germination, using one-of-three down force settings.

Closing Wheels Only (C)-Places soil over the seed, using one-of-four down force settings.

Refer to detailed adjustment procedures for further information.

In addition to wheel adjustments, the following items can be repositioned to improve opener performance.

Closing Wheels-Can be positioned to run to the side of the furrow, depending on soil conditions.

Seed Boots (D)-Can be positioned up-or-down to suit machine, field and seeding conditions.

Refer to positioning procedures for further information.

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