Repairing Closing Wheel Assembly


C-Shim Washers

E-Ball Bearing
F-Snap Ring
G-Cap Screw, 5/8 x 6-1/4 in.
H-Bearing Cap

I-Shim Washers
J-Cap Screw, 5/8 x 5-1/4

M-Lock Nut

NOTE: Follow steps 1-7 for closing wheel repair.

Clean dirt from parts prior to removal.

1. Remove bearing cap (H), lock nut (A) and snap ring (F) to remove wheel assembly and bearing (E) from arm (D).

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NOTE: Shim washers (C) are used for lateral repositioning of closing wheel.

See POSITIONING CLOSING WHEEL in Preparing The Machine section for further information.

2. Remove bearing (E) from arm.

3. Inspect all parts for wear or damage and replace as necessary.

4. Press new bearing into arm bore.

5. Install wheel and shim washers (as required) to cap screw and retain with lock nut.

6. Install bearing cap.

NOTE: Follow steps 8-11 for arm bushing replacement.

7. Remove cap screw (J), lock nut (M) and arm parts.

8. Remove bushings (K and N) from bore.

9. Press new bushings into bore, flush to 0.76 mm (0.03 in.) below outside surface.

10. Install previously removed arm and attaching parts. Tighten hardware to specification.


Hardware -Torque 200 N·m (150 lb-ft)

11. Grease all grease fittings.

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