Checking Brake Operation

Shut off the engine and check that the brakes are operating properly:

1. One at a time, press down on the left and right brake pedals. Do this several times to each pedal. Distinct resistance should be noticeable at each of the two pedals. If no resistance can be felt at the pedals, bleed the air from the brakes, or see your John Deere dealer.

2. Check to make sure the pedals do not settle to the end of stroke within 10 seconds after being applied. If leakage exceeds this rate or if one pedal settles faster than the other, see your John Deere dealer.

3. Press both pedals down at the same time. Distinct resistance should occur at both pedals at roughly the same height. If the height at which resistance can be felt differs by more than 51 mm (2 in.), bleed the air from the brakes, or see your John Deere dealer.

IMPORTANT: Any noticeable drift downward from the point of resistance indicates brake leakage. See your John Deere dealer.

Distinct pedal resistance and balance between the left and right pedals are important for emergency braking with the two brakes coupled together.


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