Storage for Long Period

The following storage preparations are good for long term tractor storage up to one year. When this time is up, run the engine until it reaches operating temperature and operate some hydraulic functions. Afterwards retreat tractor for an extended storage period.

IMPORTANT: Any time your tractor will not be used for over six (6) months, the following recommendations for storing it and removing it from storage will help to minimize corrosion and deterioration.

Change engine oil and replace filter. Change transmission oil and filter. Used oil will not give adequate protection.

Clean air cleaner.

Draining and flushing of cooling system is not necessary if engine is to be stored only for several months. However, for extended storage periods of a year or longer, it is recommended that the cooling system be drained, flushed and refilled. Refill with appropriate coolant.

Fill the fuel tank.

Remove fan/alternator belt, if desired.

Remove and clean batteries. Store them in a cool, dry place and keep them fully charged.

Clean the exterior of the tractor with salt-free water and touchup any scratched or chipped painted surfaces with a good quality paint.

Coat all exposed (machined) metal surfaces with grease or corrosion inhibitor if not feasible to paint.

Seal all openings such as the vent tube and exhaust outlet.

Store the machine in a dry, protected place. If the tractor must be stored outside, cover it with a waterproof canvas or other suitable protective material and use a strong waterproof tape.

Block up the tractor so that tires do not touch the ground. Protect tires from heat and sunlight.

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