Replacing the Main Fuses

The two main fuses are located under the engine hood, where they are secured on the r.h. side of the hood frame just above the battery.

Tractors with cab

F13›80-amp battery circuit (main power supply)

F14›80-amp battery circuit (main power supply)

Open operator's station

F13›60-amp battery circuit (main power supply)

F14›60-amp battery circuit (main power supply)

IMPORTANT: To prevent damage to the electrical system, never use a fuse with a rating higher than the one already installed.

Open the hood.

Take covers (A) off the two fuses.

Replace fuse (B) or (C).

Put the covers back on the fuses.


A-Fuse covers
B-Main fuse (F13)
C-Main fuse (F14)

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