Diagnostic Trouble Codes on Transmission Control Unit (TCU)

Light Diagnostic Trouble Codes Description
yellow TCU 304019.05 Fault at clutch pedal sensor
yellow TCU 304020.02 Faulty transmission enable signal
blue TCU 304024.04 Transmission oil temperature sender, short to ground
yellow TCU 304032.03 Clutch pedal switch, shorted circuit
yellow TCU 304033.03 Transmission enable signal, shorted circuit
blue TCU 304040.03 Transmission oil temperature sender, shorted or open circuit
yellow TCU 304048.04 Transmission input speed sender, grounded circuit
yellow TCU 304049.04 Transmission output speed sender, grounded circuit at channel 1
blue TCU 304050.04 Hydrostatic speed sender, grounded circuit at channel 1
yellow TCU 304051.04 Transmission output speed sender, grounded circuit at channel 2
yellow TCU 304052.04 Hydrostatic speed sender, grounded circuit at channel 2
yellow TCU 304056.03 Transmission input speed sender, shorted or open circuit
yellow TCU 304057.03 Transmission output speed sender, shorted or open circuit at channel 1
yellow TCU 304058.03 Hydrostatic speed sender, shorted or open circuit at channel 1
yellow TCU 304059.03 Transmission output speed sender, shorted or open circuit at channel 2
yellow TCU 304060.03 Hydrostatic speed sender, shorted or open circuit at channel 2
yellow TCU 304064.02 Implausible drop in speed at transmission input speed sender
blue TCU 304069.02 Implausible drop in speed at the PLC's transmission output speed sender
blue TCU 304070.10 Transmission output speed sender of PLC is defective
yellow TCU 304072.11 Transmission input speed and engine speed do not match
blue TCU 304073.08 Transmission output speed sender, speed in channel 1 lower than in channel 2
blue TCU 304074.08 Hydrostatic speed sender, speed in channel 1 lower than in channel 2
blue TCU 304075.08 Transmission output speed sender, speed in channel 2 lower than in channel 1
blue TCU 304076.08 Hydrostatic speed sender, speed in channel 2 lower than in channel 1
yellow TCU 304077.07 Transmission input speed, hydrostatic speed and transmission output speed do not match
yellow TCU 304079.07 Amperage at proportional solenoids of hydrostatic unit does not match the registered speed
blue TCU 304080.02 Fault in warning light circuit
yellow TCU 304081.05 C1 solenoid valve, open circuit
yellow TCU 304082.05 C2 solenoid valve, open circuit
yellow TCU 304083.05 C3 solenoid valve, open circuit
yellow TCU 304084.05 C4 solenoid valve, open circuit
yellow TCU 304085.05 BG solenoid valve, open circuit
yellow TCU 304086.05 Park lock solenoid valve, open circuit
yellow TCU 304088.05 Proportional solenoid Y1 (hydrostatic control valve), open circuit
yellow TCU 304089.05 Proportional solenoid Y2 (hydrostatic control valve), open circuit
yellow TCU 304090.05 Proportional valve for forward clutch (CF), open circuit
yellow TCU 304091.05 Proportional valve for reverse clutch (CR), open circuit
yellow TCU 304097.04 C1 solenoid valve, grounded circuit
yellow TCU 304098.04 C2 solenoid valve, grounded circuit
yellow TCU 304099.04 C3 solenoid valve, grounded circuit
yellow TCU 304100.04 C4 solenoid valve, grounded circuit
yellow TCU 304101.04 BG solenoid valve, grounded circuit
yellow TCU 304102.04 Park lock solenoid valve, grounded circuit
yellow TCU 304104.04 Proportional solenoid Y1 (hydrostatic control valve), shorted to ground
yellow TCU 304105.04 Proportional solenoid Y2 (hydrostatic control valve), shorted to ground
yellow TCU 304106.04 Proportional valve for forward clutch (CF), shorted to ground
yellow TCU 304107.04 Proportional valve for reverse clutch (CR), shorted to ground
yellow TCU 304113.03 C1 solenoid valve, shorted circuit
yellow TCU 304114.03 C2 solenoid valve, shorted circuit
yellow TCU 304115.03 C3 solenoid valve, shorted circuit
yellow TCU 304116.03 C4 solenoid valve, shorted circuit


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Light Diagnostic Trouble Codes Description
yellow TCU 304117.03 BG solenoid valve, shorted circuit
yellow TCU 304118.03 Park lock solenoid valve, shorted circuit
yellow TCU 304120.03 Proportional solenoid Y1 (hydrostatic control valve), shorted circuit
yellow TCU 304121.03 Proportional solenoid Y2 (hydrostatic control valve), shorted circuit
yellow TCU 304122.03 Proportional valve for forward clutch (CF), shorted circuit
yellow TCU 304123.03 Proportional valve for reverse clutch (CR), shorted circuit
yellow TCU 304128.00 System voltage too high
yellow TCU 304129.01 System voltage too low
yellow TCU 304132.02 Fault in the internal transmission power supply (VPS)
yellow TCU 304136.02 Control unit, incorrect software version
blue TCU 304137.02 Control unit internal fault
yellow TCU 304138.02 Control unit internal fault
yellow TCU 304139.11 Control unit is connected to the wrong harness connector
yellow TCU 304140.12 Control unit, incorrect input value
yellow TCU 304146.11 Transmission output speed does not match transmission output speed at PLC
blue TCU 304147.11 Park lock solenoid valve of PLC is defective
yellow TCU 304149.12 Park lock engaged during power zero
yellow TCU 304150.00 Power zero signal is transmitted by the UIC for too long
yellow TCU 304151.11 Transmission output speed does not match transmission output speed at PLC (CAN BUS value)
red TCU 304152.00 Transmission oil temperature very high
blue TCU 304153.13 Control unit not calibrated
yellow TCU 304154.00 INFORMATION FOR OPERATOR: Transmission input speed too high
yellow TCU 304155.00 INFORMATION FOR OPERATOR: Transmission output speed too high
blue TCU 304160.09 Engine control unit is not transmitting any data
blue TCU 304161.09 User interface controller is not transmitting any data
blue TCU 304166.09 Park lock controller is not transmitting any data
yellow TCU 304176.00 Transmission oil filter is dirty
red TCU 304177.01 Transmission oil pressure too low
blue TCU 304178.07 Filter by-pass valve (cold-weather starting) is closed by mistake
blue TCU 304179.07 Filter by-pass valve (cold-weather starting) is opened by mistake
blue TCU 304196.19 Data transmitted by engine control unit is incomplete (engine speed)
blue TCU 304200.19 Data transmitted by user interface controller is incomplete (desired acceleration)
blue TCU 304202.19 Data transmitted by user interface controller is incomplete (clutch torque)
blue TCU 304204.19 Data transmitted by user interface controller is incomplete (desired transmission ratio)
yellow TCU 304206.19 Data transmitted by user interface controller is incomplete (park lock condition)
yellow TCU 304208.19 Data transmitted by user interface controller is incomplete (direction of travel)
blue TCU 304212.19 Data transmitted by user interface controller is incomplete (clutch pedal sensor)
blue TCU 304216.19 Data transmitted by user interface controller is incomplete (park lock activation)
blue TCU 304228.19 Data transmitted by park lock controller is incomplete (transmission output speed)
blue TCU 304230.19 Data transmitted by park lock controller is incomplete (park lock pressure sender)
blue TCU 304232.19 Data transmitted by park lock controller is incomplete (transmission output speed)
blue TCU 304234.19 Data transmitted by park lock controller is incomplete (state of transmission output speed sender)
blue TCU 304236.19 Data transmitted by park lock controller is incomplete (park lock solenoid valve Y15-2)
blue TCU 304240.19 Data transmitted by user interface controller is incomplete (status of "come-home" mode)
blue TCU 304241.19 Data transmitted by user interface controller is incomplete (desired acceleration during a change of direction)
blue TCU 304243.19 Data transmitted by user interface controller is incomplete (transmission shift monitor)
blue TCU 304244.19 Data transmitted by user interface controller is incomplete (change of direction of travel)


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