Diesel Engine Oil (Engine Serial Number from 800.000)

Use oil viscosity based on the expected air temperature range during the period between oil changes.

The following oil is recommended for 500-hour oil changes:

John Deere PLUS-50 ™

Other oils may be used if they meet one or more of the following:

  • ACEA E5
  • ACEA E4

If none of the available oil types meet these specifications, reduce the intervals at which oil is changed to 250 hours.

In this case, John Deere TORQ-GARD SUPREME ™ is recommended. Other oils may be used if they meet one or more of the following:

  • API CG-4
  • API CF-4
  • ACEA E3
  • ACEA E2

Multi-viscosity diesel engine oils are preferred.

If diesel fuel with sulfur content greater than 0.5% is used, reduce the service interval by 50% also.


PLUS-50 is a trademark of Deere & Company
TORQ-GARD SUPREME is a trademark of Deere & Company

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