Test Thermostat Opening Temperature

1. Remove thermostat.

2. Visually inspect thermostat for corrosion or damage.

causym CAUTION: DO NOT allow thermostat or thermometer to rest against the side or bottom of container when heating water. Either may rupture if overheated.

3. Suspend thermostat and a thermometer in a container of water.

4. Stir the water as it heats. Observe opening action of thermostat and compare temperatures with specification given in chart below.

NOTE: Due to varying tolerances of different suppliers, initial opening and full open temperatures may vary slightly from specified temperatures.

Rating Initial Opening (Range) Full Open (Nominal)
82 °C (180 °F) 80-84 °C (175-182 °F) 94 °C (202 °F)


5. Remove thermostat from container and observe its closing action as it cools. In ambient air the thermostat should close completely. Closing action should be smooth and slow.

6. Replace the thermostat if it is defective.


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