Handle Agricultural Chemicals Safely

Chemicals used in agricultural applications such as fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, pesticides, rodenticides, and fertilizers can be harmful to your health or the environment if not used carefully.

Always follow all label directions for effective, safe, and legal use of agricultural chemicals.

Reduce risk of exposure and injury:

  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as recommended by the manufacturer. In the absence of manufacturer's instructions, follow these general guidelines:
    • Chemicals labeled 'Danger' : Most toxic. Generally require use of goggles, respirator, gloves, and skin protection.
    • Chemicals labeled 'Warning' : Less toxic. Generally require use of goggles, gloves, and skin protections.
    • Chemicals labeled 'Caution' : Least toxic. Generally require use of gloves and skin protection.
  • Avoid inhaling spray or dusts.
  • Always have soap, water, and towel available when working with chemicals. If chemical contacts skin, hands, or face, wash immediately with soap and water. If chemical gets into eyes, flush immediately with water.
  • Wash hands and face after using chemicals and before eating, drinking, smoking, or urination.
  • Do not smoke or eat while applying chemicals.
  • After handling chemicals, always bathe or shower and change clothes. Wash clothing before wearing again.
  • Seek medical attention immediately if illness occurs during or shortly after use of chemicals.
  • Keep chemicals in original containers. Do not transfer chemicals to unmarked containers or to containers used for food or drink.
  • Store chemicals in a secure, locked area way from human or livestock food. Keep children away.
  • Always dispose of containers properly. Triple rinse empty containers and puncture or crush containers and dispose of properly.

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