Implement Connection Example 6-Planter with Vacuum Motor and Return Line to Motor Return-With Hitch-Lift Assist-Standard Hydraulics


A-Pressure Line
B-Return Line
C-Flow Control Valve (Wide Open)

D-Vacuum Motor
E-Control Valve
F-Lift Assist

H-Extend Coupler Line
I-Retract Coupler Line

J-Tractor 9-Pin Connector
K-Special 9-Pin Connector

In this application vacuum motor (D) receives pressure oil from the retract port of SCV. Return oil is routed to power beyond return port. If return hose is equipped with special planter return hose tip, it can be connected directly to left-hand side of coupler three. When the motor is shut off, the SCV lever is moved to float position to allow motor to coast to a stop. Moving lever to neutral will cause motor to stop abruptly and may damage seals. Since return oil is routed to an SCV a special hose tip is required.

Control valve (C) is wide open and flow is controlled by tractor control panel. If valve is used to control oil

flow, pump will operate at maximum pressure which may cause overheating of hydraulic oil if operating at same time outside air temperature is high.

SCV #1 is used to control both the hitch and lift assist. The special 9-pin harness (K) contains a loop circuit that disables tractor hitch control unit when it is connected to 9-pin connector (J) that is wired into tractor main electrical harness.

OU1092A,000000FCONV2 -19-23SEP04-1/1