Change ClimaTrak™ (ATC) Unit Display From Fahrenheit to Centigrade

Change Temperature °C or °F Unit Display

Change temperature unit display mode using controls and LCD window on the right side console for ClimaTrak (ATC) system.

1. Turn the blower to off
2. Turn temperature control to maximum cooling
3. Turn mode control to foot (heat) position
4. Then by pressing the Auto Control Blower button and the Economy Mode (see top illustration) button within 0.1 seconds of each other (essentially the same time)

Temperature unit display mode will be visually indicated by all of the LCD symbols being turned off except for the letters DIA (A) where ambient air temperature would normally be displayed. DIA will be displayed for 10 seconds after entering change mode.

Change the temperature units (B), either °C or °F, which can be toggled by pressing the Auto Blower and the Auto Mode Control buttons at same time (see bottom illustration). The active unit will then be utilized upon exiting change mode.

Change mode is exited with the same procedure as when entered, by first turning the blower to off, the temperature to max. cool, then air flow mode control to foot (heat) position, and pressing the Auto Blower and Economy Mode (snowflake) button at the same time.


Press Auto Control Blower and Economy Mode


Press Auto Blower and Auto Mode

B-Temperature Units

ClimaTrak is a trademark of Deere & Company

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