Avoid the possibility of personal injury or death:
Be sure everyone is clear of tractor and attached equipment.
Start engine ONLY from the operator seat.
Do not start engine by shorting across starter terminals. Tractor will start in gear if normal circuitry is bypassed.
Engine starting with shift lever in gear indicates a malfunction of the starting circuit. Repairs should be made immediately by your John Deere Dealer.
Make sure:
Transmission shift lever is in PARK position
Range lever is in NEUTRAL position
(24-Speed POWERSYNC Transmission)
SCV levers are in NEUTRAL position
PTO is disengaged
Depress brake and clutch pedals
Hand throttle is in low idle position
Avoid starter damage. Do not operate starter more than 30 seconds. Wait at least two minutes before trying again.
Turn ignition key (A) to engage starter. Release key when engine starts.
Engine speed will be limited until operating temperature is reached.
On-board electronics may require slightly longer cranking times during engine startup.
Avoid personal injury and damage to the engine. Inject fluid only while engine is turning. Follow safety information on the container. Do not carry starting fluid cans inside cab.
Cold Weather Starting
Turn ignition key (A) and press ether switch (B) once starter has engaged. Release the key after engine starts.
Hold ether switch for two or three seconds after engine starts. Repeat this step until engine runs without faltering.
Idle the engine at approximately 1200 rpm with no load for one to two minutes to assure adequate lubrication. Do not operate under full load until engine has reached normal operating temperature.