Shifting the Transmission-18-Speed Powershift

Shift Lever Positions

PARK - Rear slot (A)-Park brake applied when lever is fully forward in slot.

Reverse - Center slot (B)- Tractor will begin moving rearward when lever enters this slot. Push lever forward for downshifts and pull rearward for upshifts.

Forward - Front slot (C)-Tractor will begin moving forward when lever enters this slot. Push lever forward for upshifts and pull rearward for downshifts.

NOTE: Transmission is in NEUTRAL position whenever shift lever is not in PARK, forward or reverse positions.

"Command" Gears

NOTE: Optimum engine speed is 1600-2100 rpm in normal working conditions. Using a higher gear and lower engine speed for light load operation saves fuel and reduces wear. Under full load conditions, use full throttle engine speed.

Each time transmission enters the forward or reverse section of the shift pattern, transmission will start in the "command" gear, shown on corner post display.

Transmission will start out in 7F and 2R after engine is started. These are the default "command" gears. Start-up default "command" gears may be permanently changed. See your John Deere Dealer. 1

Once placed in Forward or Reverse, the "command" gear changes to the last gear of operation before shifting to NEUTRAL.

The initial "command" gear can also be changed prior to initiating motion to match the operation.


A-Rear Slot
B-Center Slot
C-Front Slot

1Programmed forward gear can be changed from 7F to either 5F or 9F; reverse gear can be changed from 2R to 1R..

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Forward Gear between 1 and 13 may be preselected by depressing clutch pedal and pushing or pulling shift lever until desired "command" gear is displayed.

Reverse Gear between 1 and 3 may be preselected by depressing clutch pedal and pulling or pushing shift lever until desired "command" gear is displayed.

Transmission will start out in preselected forward or reverse gear when clutch pedal is released.

Cold Weather Starting

When temperature is -10 °C (14°F) or lower it will take one minute to get the park brake released with operator in the seat and transmission into gear. Several shifts between PARK and NEUTRAL may be required.

When temperature is -9 °C (15°F) or above it will take 3 seconds to get the park brake released with operator in the seat and transmission into gear.

When shift lever is moved to NEUTRAL the corner post display will show "N" for three seconds. If park brake does not release "N" will change back to "P". Move shift lever back to PARK then back to NEUTRAL until "N" displays more than three seconds. Shift to desired gear, release clutch very slowly to get transmission to modulate into gear.

During cold weather starting, transmission will not shift into 14F and 18F speeds until normal operating temperature has been reached. Delayed shifting, slow hydraulic operation, hard steering, and limited engine rpm may also be noticeable until operating temperature is obtained.

Shifting From Reverse

The highest forward gear the transmission will automatically shift to is 11F, when shifting from reverse. For example, if transmission is in 13F and is shifted to reverse, and then back to forward, transmission will automatically shift to 11F.

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However, if transmission is in 13F or higher and tractor is stopped by using the clutch or shifting to NEUTRAL and not shifted through reverse, transmission will be in 13F when shifted forward again.

Shifting-Without Using Clutch Pedal

Hold lever to shift up or down to selected gear. Transmission will shift one gear at a time until lever is released.

"Bump" lever to quickly shift up or down to selected gear. Transmission will skip gears, if lever is moved faster than transmission can shift.

Shifting-Using Clutch Pedal

IMPORTANT: Clutch pedal must be fully depressed to completely disengage clutch for correct operation.

Hold lever to shift up or down until desired gear is displayed. Transmission will go into "commanded" gear when clutch pedal is released.

"Bump" lever to quickly shift up or down until desired gear is displayed. Transmission will go into "commanded" gear when clutch pedal is released.

Rapid Shift

When tractor is in light load condition, such as transport, transmission can be shifted very fast by rapidly "bumping" shift lever to reach transport speed quickly.

To reach transport speed quickly, depress clutch pedal and rapidly "bump" shift lever to 13F. Transmission will shift directly to 13F when clutch is released. Once tractor is underway in 13F, "bump" shift lever to 18F.

Double Shift

Transmission, under load, can be made to shift two gears at a time when operating in gears 5F-12F by double "bumping" shift lever to slow down or speed up when making headland turns. A double "bump" down shift is also useful in field operation when hitting a "tough" spot.

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Shuttle Shifting (Direction Change)

Moving shift lever between Forward and Reverse slots causes transmission to modulate directly to opposite direction of travel without clutching or braking.

Shuttle shift occurs between last "commanded" forward and reverse gears.

Shuttle shifting can be performed between gears 11th Forward and 3rd Reverse.

Ground Speed Matching

causym CAUTION: Avoid possible accident and injury from loss of vehicle control. Never coast down hill.

Transmission will match ground speed as clutch is released after tractor slows when clutch pedal is depressed at speeds greater than 13F or 3R.

Transmission will not match ground speeds as clutch is released after tractor slows when clutch pedal is depressed at speeds below 13F or 3R. Transmission will remain in 13F or 3R even if tractor comes to complete stop.

Transmission will not up shift to match ground speed as clutch is released, if tractor speeds up while clutch pedal is depressed.

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