Hitch Conversion-Convertible Quick Coupler

Quick coupler is convertible to Category 4 or Category 4N. Use Category 4 whenever possible, especially for heavy loads. The greater width gives more strength.

NOTE: Your John Deere Dealer can supply parts to adapt Category 4 hitch to Category 4N implements.

Use following procedure to convert Quick coupler:

1. Turn thick ends (A) forward on draft link bumpers for Category 4; thin ends forward for Category 4N.

2. Loosen rear cap screw and remove forward cap screw. Pivot bumper on rear cap screw. Reinstall front cap screw. Tighten cap screws securely.

A-Thick Ends


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3. Support center of quick coupler.

4. Remove pin retaining bolts (A) and pins from draft link.

5. Remove side member cap screws (B).

A-Pin Retaining Bolts
B-Cap Screws


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6. Switch ends with quick coupler side members (A) (left member to right end and right to left). Tighten cap screws securely.

7. Turn handles (B) inwards.

A-Side Members


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