Using Hitch Control Lever and Raise/Lower Switch

causym CAUTION: Prevent possible injury. Use only the hitch control lever (A) when attaching or detaching implements. Do not use raise/lower switch (E).

Hitch control lever (A) is used to raise and lower hitch, and to set implement working depth. Pull lever rearward to raise; push lever forward to lower.

Move stop (C) against lever by turning stop wheel (B) to set implement working depth. Hitch will lower to same working depth each time. If necessary to lower the hitch below the preset depth, the control lever can be lifted and pushed past the stop.

Raise/lower switch (E) allows raising and lowering during turns, without having to move the hitch control lever.

causym CAUTION: To prevent possible injury and equipment damage while transporting, set the hitch control lever in the transport lock position (D). This will prevent lowering the hitch.

Raise/lower switches are disabled when the control lever is in the transport lock position (D). Hitch can raise when starting tractor with the hitch control lever in the transport lock position.


A-Hitch Control Lever
B-Depth Stop Wheel
C-Depth Stop
D-Transport Lock Position
E-Raise/Lower Switch

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