Break-In Check-First 100 Hours

Engine is ready for normal operation.

During the first 100 HOURS observe the following:

IMPORTANT: John Deere Break-in Oil must be added if oil level is below the ADD mark on dipstick. Do NOT fill above the crosshatch pattern or the FULL mark.

  • Perform daily or 10 hour service. (See Maintenance and Service Intervals Section.)
  • Check engine oil level and coolant level more frequently.
  • Avoid prolonged periods of engine idling or sustained maximum load operation. If engine will idle longer than 5 minutes, stop engine.
  • Watch coolant temperature closely.
  • Check engine air intake system hoses and hose clamps for tightness.
  • Check for leaks.
  • Tighten drive and idler wheel-to-hub cap screws after 3 HOURS and after 10 Hours.

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