If the tractor will not be used for several months, the following recommendations for storage and removal from storage will minimize corrosion and deterioration.
Use the Engine Storage Kit available from your John Deere Dealer.
Perform the following steps for long-term tractor storage:
Change engine oil and replace the filter.
Add 621 mL (21 oz) of corrosion inhibitor to the engine crankcase.
Service the air cleaner.
Add 296 mL (10 oz) corrosion inhibitor to the transmission/axle and hydraulic systems.
Drain the fuel tank and add back 10 L (2.5 gal) of fuel.
Disconnect fuel shut-off solenoid and seal the harness ends.
Crank engine a few revolutions.
Seal air inlets, exhaust, crankcase fill cap, fuel tank cap, radiator overflow hose, and transmission and hydraulic system fill cap using plastic bags and tape.
Remove fan and alternator belts.
Remove and store batteries in a cool dry location-(keep batteries charged)
Coat all exposed metal surfaces with corrosion inhibitor.
Cover instrument panel, control levers, and seat.
Protect tracks:
Raise tracks off the ground
Cover tracks with water-proof tarpaulin
Avoid storing at temperatures greater than 85° F
Avoid direct sunlight
Thoroughly clean the tractor, touching up any scratched or chipped painted surfaces.
Lubricate all grease fittings.
Cover the entire tractor with waterproof material if stored outside.
Rotate A/C compressor pulley several turns once a month to prevent seizure of compressor.