Glossary of Terms

Alternating Current AC Electrical current that reverses its direction at regularly recurring intervals
Air Conditioning A/C System used for conditioning the air in the cab
Accessory ACC Secondary electrical system
Automatic Powershift Control APS System used to control automatic transmission shifting
Air Quality System AQS System used to control conditioned air in the cab
Armrest Control Unit ACU Armrest control used to control tractor functions
Cold Cranking Amperes CCA Refers to a battery's capability to perform during cold weather operation
Circulator Motor   Symbols for circulator motor speeds
  O Medium Speed
  ++ Fastest Speed
Central Control Unit CCU Computerized system for tractor monitoring
Component Technical Manual CTM Technical manual developed for the servicing of major components
Direct Current DC Electrical current flowing in one direction only
Engine Control Unit ECU Computerized system used to govern engine speed
Electro-Hydraulic EH Refers to a hydraulic valve function that is controlled electrically
Electro-Hydraulic Depth Control EHDC Abbreviation
Electro-Hydraulic Selective Control Valve EH SCV Selective control valve operated with electrical solenoids
Front Idler - Front wheel to guide track
Gallons Per Minute gpm Amount of fluid over a period of one minute
Guide Lugs - Rubber blocks on inner side of tracks to keep track on roller
Hitch Control Unit HCU Computerized system used to control hitch functions
High Intensity Discharge HID Type of field lights use for front lighting
Hitch Slip Command HSC Computerized system used to supplement hitch draft control
Instrument Control Unit ICU Computerized system controlling tractor warning functions
Ignition IGN Control for starting and stopping the tractor
Implement Management System IMS Computerized system used to perform multi-functional tractor tasks
International Standards Organization ISO Standards organization
Large Track Vehicle LTV 9020 Track Tractor
Mid-Roller - One of three rollers between front idler and rear drive wheel
Mechanical Shift Transmission MST 24-Speed POWRSYNC transmission
Number No. Abbreviation
Product Identification Number PIN Serial number relating to tractor identification
Powershift Control Unit PCU Computerized system used to control transmission shift functions
Pressure Control Valve PCV Valve used to control pressure within a system
Powershift Transmission PST 18-Speed Powershift transmission
Power Take-Off PTO Abbreviation
Revolutions Per Minute rpm Abbreviation
Society of Automotive Engineers SAE Standards Organization
Selective Control Valve SCV Device used to control remote hydraulic functions
Selective Control Unit SCU Computerized system used to control selective control valve functions for selective control valves 1, 2, and 3
Selective Control Option SCo Controller for selective control valves 4 and 5
Slow Moving Vehicle SMV Warning sign on the rear of the tractor
Set-Up Panel SUP Operator control panel used to set selective control valve function


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