Electrical System Troubleshooting

Symptom Problem Solution

Voltage indicator flashing when there is low battery voltage (key ON and engine stopped)

Defective battery

Check electrolyte level and specific gravity

Low charging voltage

Have your John Deere Dealer check charging circuit

High resistance in charging circuit

Have your John Deere Dealer check charging circuit

Indicator malfunction

Have your John Deere Dealer check indicator

Voltage and SERVICE ALERT indicators flashing indicating low charging voltage (engine running)

Low engine speed

Increase speed

Alternator belt slipping

Check belt tension

Defective battery

Check electrolyte level and specific gravity

Defective alternator

Have your John Deere Dealer check alternator

Excessive electrical load

Decrease load

Voltage and SERVICE ALERT indicators flashing indicating excessive charging voltage

Faulty connection to alternator

Check wiring connections

Defective regulator

Have your John Deere Dealer check alternator

Excessive electrical load

Decrease load

Voltage indicator flashing indicating excessive charging voltage

Faulty connection to alternator

Check wiring connections

Defective regulator

Have your John Deere Dealer check alternator

RX15494,0000135 -19-03NOV01-1/2

Symptom Problem Solution

Batteries will not charge

Loose or corroded connections

Clean and tighten connections

Sulfated or worn-out batteries

Check electrolyte level and specific gravity

Loose or defective alternator belt

Adjust belt tension or replace belts

Starter inoperative

Transmission in gear

Place transmission in PARK

Faulty or maladjusted neutral start switch or starter solenoid malfunction

See your John Deere Dealer

Loose or corroded connections

Clean and tighten loose connections

Low battery output

See your John Deere Dealer

Blown fuse

Replace fuse

Starter cranks slowly

Low battery output

Check electrolyte level and specific gravity

Crankcase oil too heavy

Use correct viscosity oil

Loose or corroded connections

Clean and tighten loose connections

Light system does not function; rest of electrical system functions

Blown fuse

Replace fuse

Entire electrical system does not function

Faulty battery connection

Clean and tighten connections

Sulfated or worn out batteries

Check electrolyte level and specific gravity

Blown fuse

Replace fuse

Blown or loose fusible link

Replace fusible link near starter

Blower malfunctioning

Blower does not work

Check all blower fuses

Blower operates only in PURGE

Blown blower resistance assembly

See you John Deere Dealer

RX15494,0000135 -19-03NOV01-2/2