Adjusting Gate Locking Hooks (570 with Soft Core Only)
To avoid opening of gate during soft core baler operation the locking hooks (A) must be correctly adjusted.
Adjust as follows:
Close the gate and check clearance (B) between gate roller (C) and bottom of locking hook recess (D). This clearance should be 0.5 to 1 mm (0.02 to 0.04 in.).
If clearance (B) is not within specified dimensions, simultaneously adjust the spring overall length (E) to 148 mm (45.93 in.) and the distance (F) between eyebolt axle (G) and bottom of washer (H) to 36.6 mm (1.44 in.) using adjusting nuts (I).
C-Gate roller
D-Hook recess
E-148 mm (45.93 in.)
F-36.6 mm (1.44 in.)
G-Eye bolt
I-Adjusting nut