Wrapping a Bale-Programmed Mode
Once the bale has reached the desired diameter, a short sound alarm is emitted and the twine arm starts its cycle. Operator should then glance back and check that pulleys (C) are rotating to make sure that twines have been caught. If yes, stop forward travel of tractor and back up tractor 2 to 3 m (8 to 10 ft) (not necessary if baler is equipped with discharging ramp).
During wrapping cycle, light (B) "IN CYCLE" is glowing. When cycle is completed, light (B) is flashing for a few seconds. The bale must be discharged while light (B) "IN CYCLE" is flashing to avoid unexpected re-starting of wrapping cycle. See "Discharging Bale" in this Section.
Wrapping cycle cannot be automatically re-started as long as light (B) "IN CYCLE" is flashing, but it can be manually re-started at any time.
If the desired bale diameter is below the preset diameter, simply push "START" button (A) and wait for the light (B) "IN CYCLE" to start flashing for discharge process. See "Discharging Bale" in this Section.
A-"START" button
B-"IN CYCLE" light