Engaging Bale Push Bar (592 Only)

1. Detaching Chain From Hook

Remove tension from chain by rotating the spring assembly (A) to the rear. Remove end chain link (B) from lockout hook.

Let chain hang free to remove any twists.

2. Attaching Chain to Gate Pin

Remove quick lock pin (E) and washer (C) from gate pin (D).

Rotate spring assembly (A) to the rear.

Attach end chain link (B) to gate pin (D).

Install washer (C) and quick lock pin (E).

Repeat on opposite side.

IMPORTANT: Both chains must be attached to gate pins before operating the push bar. Damage can occur to the push bar and/or gate if one chain is left in the lockout position or is unhooked completely.


A-Spring assembly
B-Chain link
D-Gate pin
E-Quick lock pin

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