To observe knotter operation, remove hay from bale case, trip measuring arm, and turn flywheel by hand until tying cycle is completed.
The first step in troubleshooting knotter problems, is to go to the field with some good twine and make some knots in a normal condition. Look at last knot tied by knotters and see what it looks like. Look at twine left in knotter and the tails that drop from twine disk on back of knotter.
There should be two tails approximately 13-19 mm (1/2-3/4 in.) in length, cut off square when knotters are working properly. These tails should not be chewed up and mangled. If the twine holder is
removed, there should be one tail in knotter and bale twine for bale being formed should be held in the twine holder.
There should also be two strands of twine in the knot with even, clean cut ends pulled fully through the knot. By looking at these things, the problem can generally be traced to the specific cause of the knotter problem.
Some of the following "Symptoms" refer to illustrations labeled with a letter. See KNOTTER MECHANISM TROUBLESHOOTING ILLUSTRATIONS in this section to view each specific symptom.