Knotter Mechanism Troubleshooting Illustrations
A-Knot in Twine Over Bale Only
B-Knot in Each End of Twine
C-Twine Ends Frayed
D-Knot Too Loose
E-Knot Ends Uneven
F-No Knot in Either Twine
G-Knot in Needle Twine Only
H-Twine Doubled Back
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I-Double Twine Bow Knot
J-Single Twine Bow Knot
K-Twine Cut and Frayed Behind Knot
L-Twine Broken at Base of Knot
M-Twine Broken or Frayed in Knot
N-Needle Twine Over Billhook Tongue Roller
O-Needle Twine Over Billhook Tongue Roller, Second Knot Tied On Billhook
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