Adjusting Raking Wheel Ground Pressure

The correct ground pressure on raking wheels may vary depending on field conditions and the type and quantity of crop being raised.

Ground pressure is controlled by the position of each float spring on each rake arm assembly. The float spring length can be adjusted at two locations:

  • Three hole positions are provided in the rake arm bracket (A) and the float spring bracket (B). For coarse adjustment, change hole positions.
  • The hook end of float spring (C) can be adjusted in or out. For fine adjustment, rotate spring hook.

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causym CAUTION: Do not adjust rake wheel ground pressure with rake in transport position. Doing so could allow wheel frame assembly to fall causing bodily injury or death.

To adjust ground wheel pressure:

1. Park rake on level surface.

2. Engage tractor parking brake and/or place transmission in "Park."

3. If machine is in transport position, remove spring-locking pins and transport lock pins (C).

4. Remove spring-clip pin (B) and cylinder lock (A).


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5. Put cylinder stop (A) in storage position and fasten with spring-clip pin.

6. Install transport lock pin (B) through hole in turnbuckle and fasten with spring-locking pin. Repeat on opposite side.


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causym CAUTION: To avoid serious injury from falling rake wheels, make sure bystanders are clear before lowering wheels.

7. Lower rake wheel assemblies to the ground.

8. Shut off tractor engine and remove key.


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9. Raise and support wheel arm assembly high enough to remove tension from float spring assembly (A).

10. Remove spring-locking pin and float spring hook (B) from pivot head bracket.

11. Adjust spring hook so it is threaded halfway into float spring. This is a good starting point for the adjustment.

12. Install spring hook (B) into pivot head bracket.

13. Put cap screw (C) in center holes of float spring and rake arm bracket.


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14. To make course adjustment:

  • Remove cap screw and lock nut from float spring bracket.
  • To decrease ground pressure, install cap screw in top hole of rake arm bracket (A) and the inside hole of float spring (B) (shortest length).

    Decrease Ground Pressure (Shortest Length)

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  • To increase ground pressure, install cap screw in middle hole of rake arm bracket (A) and the outside hole of float spring (B) (longest length).

    Increase Ground Pressure (Longest Length)

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    Make fine adjustment after making course adjustment:

    • Remove spring-locking pin and float spring hook from pivot head bracket.
    • Rotate spring hook (A) "in" for less ground pressure.
    • Rotate spring hook (B) "out" for more ground pressure.

    Make the same adjustment on the opposite side.

    A-Less Ground Pressure
    B-More Ground Pressure


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      Adjust downstop bolt (A) so all rake wheels contact the ground.


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