Tailings Sensor Display Operational Check

NOTE: A wrong seed size setting will cause inaccurate display of tailings volume.

If bar graph (A) shows full and is flashing stop combine and adjust sieve and chaffer.

Check for acceptable loss.

Check the tailings sensor display for the location of the bar graph (A). The bar graph is now a visual guide which the operator can refer to periodically for an increase or decrease in tailings volume.

If the bar graph begins to show an increase in volume, the operator can slow the combine speed and see if the bar graph goes back into the acceptable loss range.

A-Bar Graph


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If the bar graph (A) does not go back into the acceptable loss range after slowing down the combine, disengage the header switch. The bar graph should zero itself (nothing showing on the bar graph). Engage the header switch and the bar graph should go back into the acceptable range.

A-Bar Graph


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If the tailings sensor display consistently reads full scale (all bars lit) when not harvesting crop or empty (0 bars lit) when harvesting crop, it may indicate that the lens is coated with material or the seal under the lens has allowed dust to enter:

1. Remove the tailings sensors. Inspect and clean the lenses if needed.

2. If the lenses are clean remove the lens and check for dust under the lens, if dust is found, completely clean the area and reassemble the lens onto the unit making sure the gasket is sealing.

3. Replace sensor and test the system.

If the display continues to read full scale or empty then contact your John Deere dealer.


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