Deck Plate Sensor Zero Calibration

The deck plate position sensor is calibrated using the deck plate calibration procedure. The deck plate calibration procedure must be performed before initial use or when the deck plate position sensor is replaced.

Prepare the header for calibration:

Attach corn head to the combine and attach header harness to the combine harness.

Make sure deck plate position sensor is operating.

Start the combine.

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Press the diagnostic switch. DIA will appear on the triple display tachometer.


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Press the calibration switch. CAL and conc will appear on the tachometer.


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Press the up or down arrow switch until CAL and the dEc calibration mode appear on the tachometer.


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Press the calibration button. dEc and CLOS will appear on the tachometer.


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To set the sensor minimum setting:

Press and hold the right side of the reel for/aft switch (A) until the deck plates are completely closed.

A-Reel For/Aft Switch


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Press the enter switch to store the calibration value or press the back arrow switch to abort the calibration (and not save values).


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To set the sensor maximum setting:

Press and hold the left side of the reel for/aft switch (A) until the deck plates are completely open.

A-Reel For/Aft Switch


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Press the calibration switch. EOC will appear on the tachometer.


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Press the enter switch to store the calibration value or press the back arrow switch to abort the calibration (and not save values).

Press the back arrow switch to return to normal operation.


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