Shifting Feeder House/Header Reverser

IMPORTANT: Reel must be raised before engaging reverser. Backing out a crop "slug" into a turning reel will bend it.

Stop header by switching off yellow header drive switch.

Run engine at low idle speed.

Step and hold down left-hand side of reversal pedal.

NOTE: The pedal must be held down or it will not shift.

Engage header drive. Run header and feeder house in reverse to free "slug".

As soon as crop accumulations have been completely removed from machine, disengage header drive.

Step on right side of pedal. Momentarily engage header drive to shift to forward operation again.

Repeat this procedure to shift to forward operation, if necessary.

Run engine at high speed and resume harvesting.

IMPORTANT: During reverser operation, never attempt to force "slugs" through combine by repeated cycling of reverser drive. Repeated cycling shortens the life of components.


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