Adjusting Variable Speed Feeder House Belt


A-Rubber Boot




Adjust the feeder house drive belt to get the slow front shaft speed for the cutting platform.

Start engine, engage separator and move switch to fast idle. Slow feeder house all the way down.

Turn off separator and stop engine and remove key. Look under rubber boot (A) to see if upper sheaves are fully open. At low speed position, outer sheave half bulb will be against bracket (B).

IMPORTANT: A gap between sheave halves is important so sheave halves can grip

belt when in slow speed position. Cutting platform drive shaft speed must be at slow speed.

Check lower sheave gap for 3 mm (1/8 in.) clearance. If not correct, move idler (C) to 25 mm (1 in.) from bottom of slot, loosen bolts (D). Recheck lower sheave gap. If it is not 3 mm (1/8 in.) then:

Move upper variable sheave assembly back with jam nuts on rod (E) until 3 mm gap exists between lower sheave halves, or until upper sheave assembly reaches end of slots.

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Adjust feeder house belt idler up to get a 3 mm (1/8 in.) gap.

NOTE: As belt, stretches, use idler to keep platform drive shaft speed. When idler reaches top of

slot, above steps can be repeated until upper sheave assembly reaches end of slots.

Install feeder house shields.

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