Rear Axle Adjustment
The axle is adjustable to let the rear tires track the drive tires.
When changing axle widths, the rear frame of combine must be raised and blocked properly.
Jack up one end of the axle (A). Remove bolts (B) and tie rod bolts (C).
If combine is equipped with 4-wheel drive, loosen hose clamp (D) and hose tie strap (E). Pull enough hose through clamp to be able to reposition axle. Tighten clamp and tie strap after moving axle.
To prevent hose failure, be certain there is adequate hose length for maximum wheel pivot and axle oscillation.
Refer to the charts on the following pages and position axle to correct width. Tie rod holes will go in or out the same amount of holes and align correctly.
A drift may be needed to align axle holes and start bolts (B).
Torque cap screws (B and C) to specification.
Axle Cap Screws (B)
620 n·m
(460 lb-ft)
Tie Rod Cap Screws (C)
130 N·m
(95 lb-ft)
Repeat steps on other side.
Retorque first side to specification; then retorque second side to specification.
This sequence must be followed because of "relaxing" of the bolts tension.