Feeder House

Symptom Problem Solution

Uneven or bunched feeding of crop to cylinder.

Header auger too high.

Adjust auger down and back. See header operator's manual.

Buildup of grain on cutterbar.

Lower reel and set fore-and aft position as close as possible to cutterbar and auger. See platform operator's manual.

Front of feeder conveyor chain adjusted too high.

Adjust feeder drum so conveyor slat clears bottom with correct clearance.

Feeder conveyor chain too tight and holds drum up.

Adjust conveyor chain to correct tension.

Header drive belt slipping.

Spring-loaded idler must be free and tight against belt.

Auger too far ahead of stripper.

Adjust auger back to stripper. See header operator's manual.

Feeder conveyor drive chain not on correct sprocket.

Place chain on correct sprocket.

Feeder conveyor slats bowed up.

Straighten or replace bent slats.

Dirt and sap buildup on feeder house bottom.

Clean bottom.

Too great a distance between platform auger and feeder house front drum.

Add links to feeder house chain.

Header or Reel Will Not Lift Correctly

Air in hydraulic system.

Tighten clamps on leaking lines or hoses. Bleed reel lift system. See Platform operator's manual.

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