Rear Concave Inserts (Corn Combines)
Converts a short wire concave for harvesting corn.
The inserts (A) (which can also be used with the spike tooth concave) prevent corn cobs from passing through the open area at the rear of the short wire and spike tooth concave to insure complete threshing.
Guidelines for when and when not to use inserts:
Corn - Concave inserts should always be used when harvesting high moisture corn (above 20%). Because tighter concave settings are used to help get the kernel off the cob, the inserts will hold any broken cob pieces with unthreshed kernels in the concave area for more complete threshing. Without the inserts, these cob pieces with unthreshed kernels can fall through the concave on to the cleaning area (chaffer) and can be found as unthreshed field loss. In high moisture corn, the inserts will also prevent the large open rear area of the concave from plugging with green, damp husk and cob pieces. The inserts can be removed in lower moisture (below 20%) where the husks are dryer and corn shells easier (lower threshing speeds). In dry corn at faster ground speeds (than typically used in wet corn) removal of the inserts will allow additional separation needed at the higher harvesting speeds.
Soybeans - The use of concave inserts is primarily for corn. Inserts (in or out) generally do not affect performance in soybeans. Therefore, if the inserts have been installed for high moisture corn and there is a need to harvest soybeans the same day, do not remove the inserts.
If the inserts have been removed and there is a need to harvest soybeans the same day, do not install the inserts.
If hard-to-thresh soybeans or high cleaning shoe load conditions exist, installing the inserts may be beneficial.