COMMANDTOUCH™Corner PostMonitor Light Bulb Replacement

1. Determine which bulb is defective.

2. Disconnect wiring harness connector from back of GREENSTAR ™ display and Mapping sensor if equipped.

3. Remove two cap screws from back of Mapping sensor. Remove GreenStar display assembly if equipped.

4. Remove mounting screws (A), bracket and corner post monitor (B).

5. Remove defective bulb (C).

NOTE: If defective bulb is located under circuit board (D), disconnect two connectors (E), carefully remove three ribbon connectors (F) and eight screws (G). Move circuit board for access to additional light bulbs.

6. Remove defective bulb by turning counterclockwise.

7. Install bulb.

8. Install corner post monitor.

9. Install GREENSTAR ™ display assembly if previously removed.

10. Install wiring harness.

B-COMMANDTOUCH™ Corner Post Monitor
D-Circuit Board
F-Ribbon Connectors


COMMANDTOUCHis a trademark of Deere & Company
GREENSTAR is a trademark of Deere & Company.

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