Header Height Resume

Header Height Resume allows the operator to select the position of the feeder house relative to the combine and return to that position automatically.

The Header Height Resume system must be calibrated for each header that is used with the combine (See "CALIBRATION PROCEDURES" in this manual).

The activation buttons 1, 2 and 3 located on the multi-function handle, are used for selecting three different header heights.

NOTE: If both Header Height Resume and Header Height Sensing are enabled, activation button 1 will activate Header Height Resume. Activation buttons 2 and 3 will be assigned to Header Height Sensing.


The Header Height Resume mode will be active only when:

1. A properly equipped header is connected to the combine.
2. The engine is running.
3. The road transport disconnect switch is in the field position.
4. Header Height Resume mode is enabled.
5. The header engage switch is engaged.


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The Header Height Resume system is enabled by pressing switch (A) on the corner post display unit (if equipped with the optional corner post display). The Header Height Resume symbol (B) will appear on the display.

If the combine is not equipped with the optional corner post display, the Header Height Resume function is enabled when:

  • The engine is running
  • The operator is seated
  • The header is engaged

Activate the Header Height Resume system by pressing one of the activation buttons 1,2 or 3 on the multi-function handle. Arrows (C) on each side of the symbol indicate that the system is active.

The number (D) in the lower left corner of the display indicates which activation button switch was pushed.

To change the height setpoint (E) of any of the activation buttons, press the desired button and adjust the height using the height control dial (F) to move the setpoint.

Turning the dial towards the plus (+) will raise the header. Turning the dial toward the minus (-) will lower the header and the setpoint.

Bar graph (G) and numeric display (H) show the relative position of the header, based on the Header Height Resume sensor linked to the feeder house.

Manually adjusting the header height with switch (I) on the multi-function handle will deactivate the Header Height Resume system.

Pressing any of the activation buttons will reactivate the system and the header will move to the pre-selected height.

The Header Height Resume system can be disabled by pressing switch (A).


A-Header Height Resume System Switch
B-Header Height Resume Symbol
C-System Active Arrows
D-Activation Switch Button Number
E-Height Setpoint
F-Height Control Dial
G-Bar Graph
H-Number Display

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