10 Hours or Daily


A-Stone Trap

B-Concave Control Switch

C-A/C Drain Hose


1. At the end of each day, dump stone trap (A) and run concave (B) up and down to prevent crop buildup in concave area.

IMPORTANT: Pump two shots of grease into each fitting. Do not over grease.

2. Final Drive Outer Bearings (Both Sides)- When operating in mud and water, grease at 10 hours. In normal conditions, grease at 50 hours.

3. Rear Wheel Hubs (Both Sides)- When working in water and mud, grease at 10 hours. In normal conditions, grease at 50 hours.

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NOTE: When operating in mud and water grease rear axle spindle bearings and motor pivots at 10 hours. In normal conditions grease at 50 hours.

4. Motor Pivots 2-Speed 4-Wheel Drive (both sides). Lube two fittings.

5. Air Conditioning Drain Hose. Clean air conditioning drain hose (A).

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