VISIONTRAK Operational Checks

NOTE: Two people are required to perform this operational check. One person must remain seated in the operators seat, while the other person taps on the sensors.

1. Turn key switch to the "RUN" position, but do not start combine.

2. Turn header engage switch on.

3. Press seed size switch for closest seed size.

4. Press calibration switch.

5. Using a screw driver or a knife blade, tap on the right-hand shoe sensor (A) several times. The person watching the VISIONTRAK display should see movement of the shoe loss indicator. Repeat on left-hand side shoe sensor.


A-Shoe Sensor

OUO6075,0001C2A -19-25JAN02-1/2

6. Using a screw driver or a knife blade, tap on the straw walker sensor (A) several times. The person watching the VISIONTRAK display should see movement of the separator loss indicator.

7. Turn header engage switch and key switch off.

8. If VISIONTRAK monitor system does not work after these checks, see your John Deere dealer.

A-Straw Walker Sensor


OUO6075,0001C2A -19-25JAN02-2/2