Moisture Correction

When harvesting while recording is ON, determine how many points the moisture correction needs to be changed off by the instantaneous moisture. When not harvesting, recording OFF will display average moisture of crop. Average moisture does not need to be corrected. If average moisture is corrected, the instantaneous moisture could be overcorrected.

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1. Press G on SETUP - Yield Map - PAGE 1. Display will change to SETUP - Moisture - PAGE 1.


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2. Press A to select moisture correction.

3. Press B on SETUP - Moisture - PAGE 1. Black arrow will toggle to ENTER.

4. Using numeric keypad, input a number value to be added to reading displayed on RUN - Yield Map - PAGE 1 screen.

5. Press G to ENTER this value.

6. Using numeric keypad, input a number value to be subtracted from reading displayed on RUN - Yield Map - PAGE 1 screen.

7. Press CLR button. A negative (-) sign will appear for moisture correction.

8. Press B to ENTER this value.


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