RUN - Yield Mon - PAGE 1

The RUN - Yield Mon - PAGE 1 screen displays the following information:


NOTE: Refer to tables in the Specifications section, referring to crop type. European specific crops are identified by a (E) suffix. Other crop types without (E) suffix are specific to the U.S. (North American) market. If the desired crop type is not available as an European crop, then choose its U.S. equivalent.

There are two different crop selections available for corn; Corn (Wet) and Corn (Dry). When moisture levels are greater than 25% moisture, select Corn (Wet). When harvesting corn with less than 25% moisture, select Corn (Dry). The only difference between Corn (Wet) and Corn (Dry) is the recommended combine settings, which can be found in the combine Operator's Manual.

Crop shows the name of the crop being harvested as selected in the SETUP - Yield Mon - PAGE 1.

Yield Dry

NOTE: See "Specifications" Section for formula calculation of dry weight. Standard moisture and weight can not be modified in the monitor.

The yield dry is a yield with the correction that makes it reaching the standard payable moisture.

Yield dry cell shows number of yield units per number of area units. Yield dry is the yield units after taking into consideration removal of moisture.


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Yield Wet

NOTE: When recording, yield wet and yield dry are displayed as instantaneous readings. When recording has stopped, yield values represent field averages for both yield wet and yield dry.

Yield wet cell shows yield of crop in the field at harvest moisture. If the instantaneous moisture in the current field is equal or below the standard payable moisture the yield dry and the yield wet values are equal.

NOTE: Yield dry and yield wet equal values means that the yield wet is less or equal than standard payable yield dry.

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NOTE: When recording, yield wet and yield dry are displayed as instantaneous readings. When recording has stopped, yield values represent field averages for both yield wet and yield dry.

This cell shows the moisture content of the grain.


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