Country Code


Press button next to System Settings and SETUP - System screen will appear.

OUO6075,0002377 -19-23AUG02-1/2

Press A and SETUP - Ctry Codes - PAGE 1 will appear.

The following countries are currently available (with their default settings):


Country Language Units Date Format Time Format Number Format
USA English English MM/DD/YY AM/PM 1,234.56
UK English Metric DD.MM.YY AM/PM 1,234.56
France French Metric JJ.MM.AA 24HR 1.234,56
Espana Spanish Metric DD.MM.AA 24HR 1.234.56
Deutschland German Metric TT.MM.JJ 24STD 1.234,56
Schweiz German Metric TT.MM.JJ 24STD 1.234,56
Osterrich German Metric TT.MM.JJ 24STD 1.234,56


If desired country does not appear press PAGE button to see additional countries.

Press letter button next to desired country.

Depending on which country is selected the SETUP - system page will display default settings for each of the cells.

OUO6075,0002377 -19-23AUG02-2/2