How to Calculate Permissible Mass

Calculating permissible tractor mass and permissible trailer mass on the basis of the D value

EC-approved, dynamically tested hitches are always provided with a D value. This is calculated as follows:

D =

G * A * B

A + B

, where


D =

D value of hitch

G =

Gravitational constant 9.81 m/s2

A =

Tractor mass

B =

Trailer mass

To calculate trailer mass for a given D value and a given tractor mass, and to calculate tractor mass for a given D value and a given trailer mass, use the following formulas:

Tractor mass

A =

D * B

G * B - D


Trailer mass

B =

D * A

G * A - D


If when calculating A the product of G*B is less than the D value, or if when calculating B the product of G*A is less than the D value, then the result of this calculation is negative. Even so, the D value is sufficient for every combination of tractor mass and trailer mass.

Example of how to calculate permissible trailer mass:

Given that:

D value, D = 55 kN = 55000 N


Tractor mass A = 7000 kg


B =

55000 N * 7000 kg

9.81 m/s2 * 7000 kg - 55000 N

= 28163 kg

Pay close attention to permissible towed mass and tractor mass!
