Service Alert and Information Display
A - Information Display
B - Stop Indicator
C - Service Alert Indicator
On-board diagnostic information is displayed using the indicator
lights and the information display (A). If the control unit software
detects a malfunction or a status “out of the permissible range”,
an error message or diagnostic trouble code is displayed. These numbers
identify the machine system and problem type.
STOP Indicator (B): The light illuminates
and indicates the tractor requires immediate attention or the tractor
will be damaged. Correct problem before restarting the engine. See
your John Deere dealer if the issue can not be resolved.
Service Alert Indicator (C): The light
flashes and indicates a performance problem or malfunction that has
to be resolved as soon as possible. Continued operations during a
service alert can result in the STOP indicator lighting up. If appropriate
corrective action is not taken soon (maintenance, repair, change of
operating mode), a significant reduction in performance and/or machine
damage will occur.
Whenever a STOP indicator is displayed, switch the transmission
to the park position and shut down the engine.