Remove and Install Side Panels


  1. Park machine safely.

  2. Raise hood.

  3. LV17666

    Left Side Shown. Right Side is Similar.


    A - Twist Tab

    B - Side Panel

    C - Mounting Slot

    D - Front Mounting Tab

    E - Mounting Pin

    F - Mounting Hook

    G - Alignment Pin

    Pull tab (A) out and twist to line up the slots.

  4. Tilt side panel (B) away from machine and slide forward.


  1. Align the side panel (B) front mounting tab (D) with front mounting slot (C), align mounting hook with mounting pin (E), and align mounting tab with mounting hook (F) on machine.

  2. Slide side panel back while aligning holes on rear of panel with alignment pins (G).

  3. Line twist tab (A) with slot in the panel, tip panel in pull twist tab out and twist to lock position.

  4. Lower the hood.
