Cleaning Engine Shroud

CAUTION: Compressed air can cause debris to fly a long distance.

  • Clear work area of bystanders.
  • Wear eye protection when using compressed air for cleaning purposes.
  • Reduce compressed air pressure to 210 kPa (30 psi).

IMPORTANT: An obstructed air intake screen can cause engine damage due to overheating. Keep air intake screen and other external surfaces of the engine, including cooling fins, clean at all times to allow adequate air intake.

CAUTION: Touching hot surfaces can burn skin. The engine, components, and fluids will be hot if the engine has been running. Allow the engine to cool before servicing or working near the engine and components.

  1. Park machine safely. (See Parking Safely in the SAFETY Section.)

  2. Remove hood. (See Removing and Installing Hood in SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS Section.)

  3. Clean air intake screen and external engine surfaces. (See Cleaning Air Intake Screen and Engine Fins in SERVICE ENGINE Section.)

  4. MXAL46387

    Remove air cleaner cover (A) and air filter. (See Checking and Cleaning Air Cleaner Element in SERVICE ENGINE Section.)

  5. Remove three bolts (B) and rotating screen (C).

  6. IMPORTANT: Be careful to maintain position of fuel pump assembly (D), clips (E) for fuel line, and any other attached components when removing parts from side of engine.

    Remove fuel pump screws (F) and fuel line bracket bolts (G).

  7. Remove bolts and engine shroud (H).

  8. MXAL46388

    Clean debris from:

    • Fan areas (I)
    • Cylinder head cooling fins (J)
    • Area between engine and frame

  9. IMPORTANT: Engine shroud must be assembled so that the slots in the shroud align with the ridge in the air intake and mating surfaces along sides of engine. Failure to assemble correctly will prevent the air filter from sealing and may cause engine damage.

    Install shroud, fuel pump, fuel line guard, and oil fill tube with hardware.

  10. Install rotating screen with three bolts. Tighten bolts to specification.

    Engine Rotating Screen BoltTorque3.0 N·m (27 lb-in.)

  11. Install air filter and air cleaner cover.

  12. Install hood.
